Lose the White Hat and Get the Facts

Bristol Palin attacks First Daughter’s…with nonsense argument.


Bristol Palin (the 2008 GOP VP nominee’s daughter) has attacked President Obama’s daughter’s after he publicly announced support for same-sex marriage. President Obama noted that while talking to his daughter’s about friends and their parent’s the normality of same-sex households was revealed to him. Palin says that they “are no doubt lovely people, that’s not a reason to change thousands of years of thinking about marriage.”

Well hate to break it to you Bristol, but many thoughts about marriage have changed since they were established thousands of years ago.

For one sex before marriage was considered adultery (because it was still ‘outside of marriage’). So if we were still going by the thinking of marriage from long ago, you’d probably be in some kind of prison or have been stoned- did you forget about your pregnancy?

Thousands of years ago marriage could be between one man and several women- not just one woman. Though if you want to go by your religions thousands of years of marriage thinking, your husband could legally beat you and it would be fine in the public eye.

Divorce is legal now- a while ago that was a huge sin. But now it’s okay, which is good so the sanctity of brief temporary publicity straight marriages can be protected while it has been proven that gay couples stay together far longer than straight couples.

A few decades ago interracial marriage was seen as a sin- now it is perfectly legal.

Oh and the whole “straight couples raise children better” comment? Not true. According to research children raised by lesbians get better grades, have less behavioral problems , and have more self-esteem and confidence than those raised by straight parents- here is the link to the report on the study.


“We know that in general kids do better growing up in a mother/father home. Ideally, fathers help shape their kids’ world view,” She said. Really? Then, forgive me for asking, but what about you? You’re a single mother- your son doesn’t have two parents. He has no father to shape his  worldview- except what is publically known about him knocking up other chicks. Great worldview.

And it shouldn’t matter that the First Daughters are teenagers. Their dad sits down and talks to them- like a family. Not ditching his kid to go on a reality TV show. Which looks ten times worse for you because your kid doesn’t have any other parent to look after him while your trying to become famous. And while his daughters are teenagers, they seem to have more sense than you- look at their nonexistant parental status.

As for the comment of “To much Glee”-that is just awful! Glee is not by any means pushing a “homosexual agenda”- it is just a show that breaks the horrible stereotypes believed by uninformed people and developed by homophobic bigots.

A few words directed to President Obama’s daughters and President Obama himself- I am glad first to the President for displaying the ability to have opinions evolve- that is a true sign of continued growth, maturing, and learning- something no one is ever supposed to stop doing. Being a lifelong learner is crucial to keep up with the ever-evolving world; and a great display of your capabilities as President.

To the First Daughters: It makes me happy to see young ladies such as yourself be so open minded and supportive of those who are slightly different than you; the world is changing quickly, as it always has been and your open minded nature is exactly what is needed to keep the world growing and prevent stagnation.

Now that I’ve ranted and gotten my frustration out of my system here are some final words.

 The thinking on marriage has never been the same for long and it never will be. Growth is part of what keeps our world going round. The economy and unemployment are hot topics for political debate at the moment- ever think that non-discriminatory policies based on sexual orientation or sexual identity  for work places would lead to lower unemployment? And think of all the money spent on gay weddings that would help boost the economy. The fact is, that discriminating on people in a way that has been going on is part of why our country is in such a bad position.

Having a mother/father in the upbringing doesn’t mean much…it doesn’t take one male anatomy and one female anatomy for a child to grow up successful and happy- it takes love, encouragement, understanding and support. All of which can be gained by couples of the same sex.